sally face按键操作 如果你的朋友非常伤心请你写出几条逗她开心起来的建议英语?

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sally face按键操作



Life is like a journey, it is normal to meet problems and obstacles in the way.
Everyone may go through a difficult situation, It is important to learn to face the current situation and change your attitude.
There are many ways which might be useful to help your friends change his or her mood when something unhappy happens. Firstly, it is useful to distract ones attention.
Listening to music or watching a film could be useful to distract sttention and forget about the unhappy things. Secondly, having outdoor activities are always important to change the mood.
Staying indoors is a reason why people are growing gloomy and thinking too much. Thirdly, social activities with people are also useful. Hangging out with friends who are extroverted could influence our mood easily.
Undoubtedly there are other ways to comfort a friend who is in a bad mood, but what is the most important is to let them know they are not alone. Their friends will always be there for them


What though the radiance which was once so bright. 往昔的光辉,如此灿烂
Be now for ever taken from my sight, 如今眼前再不可见。
Though nothing can bring back the hour 虽然没有什么能带回
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower, 草之繁盛,花之辉煌的时刻,
We will grieve not, rather find, 我们不会悲伤,
Strength in what remains behind, 而是在仍然拥有的东西中寻找力量。
In the primal sympathy,在童年情感的释放中,
Which having been must ever be, 能重温的都是曾经经历过的,
In the soothing thoughts that spring 在从人类的苦难中,
Out of human suffering, 涌出的恻隐之心中,
In the faith that looks through death, 在看透生死的信念中
In years that bring the philosophic mind. 在让自己变得更聪慧的年华中
节选自“Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood”